• Post author:
  • Post published:October 17, 2016

Seriously, I make it my mission to find unique things to do on dates with my hubby. We love going out to eat obvi but there are those times when sitting down at a beautiful restaurant just isn’t exciting enough; granted those times are few and far between for me since dining out is my Jam. When I’m having one of those, “I want to do something different” moments I still look for things for us to do together that involves food. 😛

A few weeks back he and I were invited to Culinary Fight Fest 2016 and I posted a few videos on the Eat The Burbs Facebook page while we were there too. 😁


Now if the name doesn’t ring a bell, then you’ll want to check out the Culinary Fight Club website for all of the official details. In my opinion Culinary Fight Club is like the lovechild of Food Networks Iron Chef and Chopped, so if they got together and had a baby, that baby would be CFC.


Back to Culinary Fight Fest, so this year there were 14 Chefs competing to win the CFC trophy and a few thousand bucks. The competing chefs came ready for battle.

The hubs and I visited each chef, sampled their food and voted on our faves, yes you actually get to cast your vote to pick the winner of the first round! I felt all kinds of important. 😜 As we stuffed our faces and did some people watching, I couldn’t help but think, this is one hell of a date night and I have to tell more people about it.


So here goes, if you are into trying new dishes, food competition TV or just looking for something different to do, CFC is worth trying. They also use the events to raise money to fight hunger among the homeless via partnership with Fight2Feed.


Now that I’ve got you all ready to eat, drink, and be married (ha), tell me what are some of your favorite non-typical date destinations? Let me know in the comments or hit me up via twitter @EatTheBurbs.

Congrats to Chef Joe Arvin for the W.
